MIXXIT Sanitizer / Anti Bac Surface Cleaner (A7)

MIXXIT Sanitizer / Anti Bac Surface Cleaner 2 Litre
  • Sanitizer /Antibacterial Multi Surface Cleaner.
  • For use on in the kitchen area for all sanitizing of food prep surfaces, fridges, freezers microwaves etc.
  • 133 Triggers Per Case
  • Under 20 pence per 750ml
  • Kills 99.999 % of Germs Complies with BSEN 1276
  • 30 second contact time

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Product Code: MXX532
Case Price (ex VAT):£27.64
Case Price (inc VAT):£33.17
Case Quantity: 2 x 2 Litre

Case Quantity Discounts

1 - 2 Cases @ £27.64 Per Case + VAT
3 + Cases @ £26.26 Per Case + VAT

Cases required