Pina Colada CocktailPina Colada serving ideas are available from Chef & Bar Supplies. One of the most popular cocktails on many bar menu's. This is a classic presentation using either a Hurricane or Hi-Ball glass.

Just to help along the is a classic Pina Colada recipe!


  • 35ml Gold Rum.
  • 1 tbsp Coconut flavoured Rum.
  • 50ml Coconut Cream.
  • 50ml Pineapple Juice.
  • 3-4 Pineapple chunks.


  1. Place the two Rums, Pineapple Juice, Pineapple Chunks & Coconut Cream into blender.

  2. Place lid on blender!!!

  3. Blend until mixture is smooth.

  4. Pour into your chosen glass.

  5. Garnish with desired fruit and serve.


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